Blog Translation Services

A blog is a site where authors publish texts, pictures and clips, and readers usually have the option of commenting. A feature of blogs is their ease of use, which allows even users without extensive computer skills to co-create when writing. Blogs can be intended for news and comments on specific news stories or they can be in the form of personal blogs. They can be published by large companies as well as by any individual.
A typical blog contains a lot of media such as pictures, videos, links to other websites and more. Today, “blogging” has become so popular that one can earn concrete amounts of money with it. At present, many bloggers in Slovenia make a living doing this and earn the most from advertising.
If you want your blogs to reach more readers, we recommend that you decide to translate them. Thus you will enter the foreign market, gain new readers and also potential new investors, which will make your blogs more and more popular and read.
- More readers,
- more investors and consequently higher earnings,
- promotion of your business or products in foreign markets
- popularity gaining.

K&J Translations offers quality, fast and affordable translations while recognizing the importance of your blogs. Make sure your blogs reach more readers in foreign markets as well.
In addition to blog translations, we also offer the following services:
- Additional proofreading of the text (we recommend it especially if the text is for publication or marketing purposes).
- Graphic design of the translated text (in case you need the graphic format of the translation to match the graphic format of the original text).